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Kayerth @blogspot.com ♥
Saturday, March 29, 2008

I thought i'd have forgotten, but no.. As i saw him today, i felt like.. Hmm... Dunno..? Well, we did chat and stuffs like usuaul in the past.. =) Maybe i'm juz missing..? Haha.. Oh well.. (Anyway, in case you readers, i'm not talkin bout ex.. -_-)

Wenta teach Compassvale Pri school Go today and kinda fun.. Haha.. The kids there were real cute..!! >.<>.< Ganbatte~~!!

Time will not turn back no matter what..
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Not that i dowan ppl to care or what.. But sometimes when a person keeps sayin and sayin it's like so annoying~~ T_T Ahhh.. Oh well.. Gonna go down to MDIS tomorrow.. Yawns.. Troubleeeeeeesooomeeee.. =/ Wasn't plannin to go down sho soon.. Ahh.. Nemind.. Some things it's good to settle it soon.. Haha..

1 1/2 months to the competition.. Jia you~~!! XD Gonna train train trainnnn~~~!!! =3
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gonna be quite free for a period of time.. What should i do..? Train Go..? Well, of course.. Should i start working part time as well..? Hmm.. To earn extra ash and need not always get money from dad.. Haha.. Independent..!! =X Lolx~~

Sho bored lately.. Like nothin ta do.. x.X *yawns*
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tu ran you dian fan.. Haha.. Well, of some things.. But oh well.. X)

Sent the Toyota players off today.. 4 days in SG didn't really go out much coz didn't have time.. Aww.. Will miss you guys~~ >.< Hope ta see some friends in the May competition in Korea too~~!! X)

Tirin day today runnin here and there to send the peeps off.. Haha.. But fun.. =) Kinda happy i'll be more free after the Toyota.. XD heheexx.. Cam train Go again~~ =3
Monday, March 24, 2008

Didn;t really go online lately coz was like so so busy with the Toyota Cup thingy.. Glad to see some oversea friends again.. Mu, Xinwen, Prawat, Surya.. Lolx.. One funny thing is, me and Prawat has added msn for 2 years and haven't chat much.. @_@ Well, at least we made friends again after this event.. =)

Tomorrow gonna send them off ler.. =( Sob sobx.. Well, some things juz have endings.. Hope ta see them again soon.. Will miss 'em.. >.<

One big event off after Toyota.. Can rest ler.. Haha.. Now ish juz wait fer JC to treat us, right guys..? Let's think of what he can treat.. Haha..
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wenta fetch Muien and Hazim from airport today.. Really miss him lots..~~ XD As friend, okie..? Dun start, guys.. -_- Next is Xinwen's arrival.. Can't waita see Surya too..!! Well, i wonder who else ish comin..

Still stuffs to be confused about.. Not knowing whatta do.. But what's done has been done.. All is juz the mind and stuffs.. Haish.. No matter what i think.. I'm still quite troubled by this.. =/
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Time when you think you were strong, times when you think you weren't.. Haha.. This sentence sudd came across me.. Hmm.. There are only stronger ppl, but not strong.. Weaker, but not weak.. =p Get what i'm sayin..? Haha.. Okay.. Juz loads of craps..

I wanna get stronger~ Train, improve.. But feels so slow.. I dunno whether i've improve lots or what.. Many have said that i've improved alot very fast.. But yet i dun really think so.. How come..? Weird, eh..? Oh well.. Think i'll juz absorb whatever there is to learn.. Haha.. Jia you~~!!

Words said can never be taken back, actions done can never be undo.. Of course, time cannot be turned back.. So no matter what, think twice or thrice or much as you can before doin anything.. Dun regret..!! You'll never know what should be the right one..

Ma Kuang Cup jia you~~!! XD
Friday, March 14, 2008

Finally wenta steamboat with the NYP peeps.. Lolx~ Sho full.. x.X

Confused confused.. Confused..? Haha.. What am i thinking..?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wo hao fan.. Of various stuffs.. There are times where i really wanna cry out.. Coz of some stuffs.. Alota stuffs happened around me lately.. Sometimes i feel so tired.. I really really feel like crying out loud.. No really stressed up.. Juz vex.. All the things happening.. Mainly of personal stuffs.. Mixed feelings and emotions.. I don't know whatta do..

Dear friend,
if by any change you are seeing this, tell me.. What is trust..? Yes i do trust you.. But there are times when everythin are against you.. And the trouble you caused.. After what happened, i finally know what is like to be backstabbed.. Or at least i feel that i've been.. Really disappointed.. But still, i wanna treat you as a friend again.. Though i know it's not possible..

I feel so lost.. Like what should i do..? So freaked out.. I need a place to cry out.. Let everything out.. I wanna go somewhere where i can release all these stuffs.. Who what when where how why am i thinkin..?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Step Up 2 ish nice..!! XD I juz love those dances.. X) Heheex~ Go catch if ya haven't..!! A muz watched~~!! XD That is, if you like dances.. =)

Anyone knows where got sell walnuts..? It's fer poor lil Danny.. Hahahahaha... =p
Monday, March 10, 2008

Yupx~ I won today..!! XD And'll be joinin the Asian Amateur Baduk thingy in May held in Korea.. X) Heheex.. Gonna train train~~ >.<

Well, be it good or bad, everything juz like to happen the same time.. It sux.. Seriously.. Like what am i thinking..? Argh.. Seriously seriously..

Thanx for always being there for me, thanx for taking care of me.. I dunno why but it bothers so much.. And ain't sure why i'm typing this since you won't be reading.. I think.. Argh.. Dunno whatta do.. Sigh.. Some things juz can't be changed the moment it's be decided.. No matter how much one wants.. What done is done.. Well, take things at a step..

Bad day i guess.. Putting the Korea thing aside that is.. Dun as me what happen.. Dun wanna say out.. Haha.. Darn.. All bad things juz come out to me today.. =( Haish.. Zzz......

There are some things which you know it's important when it's gone.. =) No link to whatever happened to me but juz thought of it.. Haha..
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mmm.. Tiring day.. >.< Still got got more day to go.. Jia you.. =)

Sometimes i wish i can be more decisive and now what i really want.. I'm juz so fine with anythin that when it comes to makin major decision, i get hanged up.. Now i'm stuck, trying to find my answer.. This or that, that or this.. Haha.. Tryin ta figure things out.. x.X Oh well.. Everythin will be settled soon enough.. =)


I'm home..!! =X Lolx~ I left mybag in SWA yest coz quite heavy ended up i left moi keys in there too..!! >.< Luckily i managed to stay in @ Ying dar dar's place.. Heheex..

Alota stuffs lately.. @_@ Be it personal or school or Go etc.. *faints* What happens when you havta choose 1 outta 2..? Both are equally good and you dunno whatta do..? Haha..

This mornin watch a show that make over a person's room.. There's this a feng shui part.. What if the designer's opinion clashes with the Feng Shui master's plan..? Lolx..

Selection jia you~~!! XD Though been kind slacky in trainings these past few days.. Oh well.. Juz do your best..!! =)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Changed blog song again.. Haha.. To Avril's When You're Gone.. Nice song okie.. Haha.. Below is the pic which i too with Wen bin didi~

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wenta SWA train today~ Ah~ Been long since i touched Go.. x.X Night class got trashed by YLS as usual.. @_@ Well, i wonder how Kenny managed to get well within 2 days.. Like wow.. I too days.. @_@ Letsee.. Sunday received medicine from him and now ish Wed thin okie ler ba.. Haha.. Anyway, glad you're well again.. =)

Train train~ Muz get bac moi Go skills~ >.< Jia you..!!

Didn't wenta trainin coz today's supposedly Zhou's bday.. And i meant "supposedly".. Stupid Wee took note the wrong date of his best buddy.. *faints* Zhou's bday had actually already passed 2 days ago.. Well anyway, happy belated bday.. =) Watched Ah Long Pte Ltd with the gang and it's really kinda funny.. Omg the guy is so gay..!! *faints*

Been gettin in love life problems and then.. Haha. Mild ones.. Not serious.. Lolx~ Darwin tells mwe to get a boyfriend and settle down.. (sounds like marriage -_-) Well, not that i dun wanna.. Haha.. I did thought of settling down before.. But, it's easier said than done.. Hmm.. Think juz take a step at a time.. Hope i get a boyfriend soon.. >.<
Monday, March 3, 2008

Been long since i actually properly slept.. Wenta bed yest @ 1am and got up 1+pm today.. Wow.. 12 hours..!! Was woken up by Wee's call.. Haha.. Planned to watch movie but no show so wenta had pepper lunch with him instead @ AMK.. Lolx.. It's nice ended up i watch him "cookin" fer mwe instead i do moiself.. Haha.. =X

Evenin met up with moi Wen Bin didi~ Heex.. Been lon since we've met..!! >.< Took some pics with him but it's in his phone so i'll upload when he sends me.. =)

Thanx for whoever to do this.. Heex.. Sweet.. =)

Changed blog song to a nice one.. =) Wanted to put it on blog long time ago but the time juz wasn't right..

Wenta catch Meet the Spartans today with YC gang.. Well, it was really funny i muz say.. Kinda lame.. Haha.. I like the dance part.. =p But the show's only 84 mins.. Aw.. Hold on, 84 mins..? I believe we left the mvie 8.40+ or so..? Omg.. Or isit the long credits..? Haha.. Oh well..

Took some pics on way home.. =)

Kawaii Kay and Alvin who's faithful to Shi Jin Bo only

Lamer Mervyn and Kawaii Kay

Thanx to Ken who passed me flu medicine on my way home.. Haha.. My house dun have.. >.< Arigatou~~ Whole week gonna train Go ler.. x.X Jia you..!! I need free Go trainer..!! =X
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Boo..!! Wasn't online for 2 days.. Miss mwe..? =3 Well, Friday wenta my class BI0608's chalet.. =3 Haha.. Miss them alot..!! Esp my Darwin "jie jie" whom i always chat with.. =3 Sucha pity that not all were there as i went there too late.. >.< No food left for me too~ Sobx.. But oh well.. Wenta walk all the way rom the chalet to Bedok Jetty with Darwin jie jie, Hong Peng Papa, and idiotic Jonathan.. I juz love those times with them.. =) Back in the chalet Chen Yao keep gibin me alcohol to drink.. Haha.. But still alright.. No anythin except for the weird tastes.. Not used to them..

Well, seeing me doin all these stuffs, you won't think that i'm actually down with fever and flu.. Dear old Danny envy of me coz i am strong and young~~!! Wahahahaha..

Sat skipped the Dan Research class and head down to AMK to meet Wee and gang.. Me and Wee sometimes have communication probs.. Haha.. He thought that i'm with my friends coz i msged him tellin him to call me when he reached while i go sit down and drink water.. Ended up we're both waitin for each other for 45mins and i msg him again and he called.. Haha.. But later on met up with Ken to go Wee's house together.. Stayed overnight.. Yawns.. And they keep startin ghost stories.. =(

Reached home this mornin and sho tired esp when i'm sick.. =( But no more fever coz they forced me to take medicine yest.. *faints* Later still havta go Bishan.. >.<