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Kayerth @blogspot.com ♥
Friday, June 27, 2008

Was asked.. Have i ever been jealuos of my boyfriend before..? Haha.. Not a question i would wanna answer.. =X Maybe been bothered bit by some stuffs.. But.. Is this called jealousy..? Ah well.. But who cares.. =X Lolx~~ Seriously seriously a good thing that he doesn't read the blog coz i wouldn't wanna tell him that.. Haha.. =X Juz wishing that we would last.. =) What will happen in the future no one knows.. Nor do i wanna have high hopes.. Not like i been through alota rs and stuffs.. Dunno.. Everyone is afraid to have the same bad thing happen, ain't it..? Sometimes i look at some couples and quite envious of them for lasting so long.. I see Yet sometimes i hear sad stories from my friends that happened to them..

When close to someone, he/she tends to keep things that will worry you.. At this point, i thought.. Would it be better if i can know the person's everything but not as close, or know a little but closer..? Haha.. But i never thought of ending whatever i have.. I think.. =X
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jiang~~ Above ish Kai Yun jie jie's bday group photo~~!! XD Except that botak Ting Zhou not around.. Lolx..

One preeeeetty good news today.. And that's i'm free from SWA~~!! XD Lolx.. I'm not workin there ler.. Muahahahaha.. So today kinda went back and clear my prev week work then practically slack there.. Later in the night met up with Kai Yun and Ken @ AMK mac chat chat.. Sometimes it's good to have friends.. =)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Celebrated Kai Yun's bday today.. Wenta Nebo to eat.. Haha.. Nebo's a nice place to slack and eat and play games if ya have nothin ta do.. XD

Masterpiece by our 2 Shatec Hotel Management students.. Clear the food and stack everythin in one plate.. Kinda gross.. Omg.. If i'm not wrong, there should be chicken cutlet, beef bolognese spaghetti, teriyaki chicken, two other pastas, ice creams, etc etc.. Haha.. There should be fries and fish fillet as well.. Anyone care for some..? =)

No matter what i'm stickin to you~~
Monday, June 23, 2008

Haven't been bloggin lately.. Haha.. Kinda lazy.. To start off with, wanna thank Xing Wei for da cute fan below.. =3

Kawaii neh~~ X)

Last Wed we gave our dear yls a "surprise" bday party.. Note te " ".. For those who were not there, you'll know why later.. Haha..

Our fabulous cake for yls~~!! Hahaha.. Black first to play.. if he answered wrongly he cannot eat~~ >.<

And of course, he got it right..!! Haha..

And she's da gal of the day~!! Dun wanna say why but it links to the " " in front.. Lolx~~

Took this pic randomly.. Comparin the small grape with a big one.. Lolx~~

Was out the other day and i saw this guy with two yellow A4 sized papers stickin on his back which says "Please tap on my shoulder and wish me Happy 16th Birthday.." x.X I was like ...... Almost wanted to laugh.. Haha.. His girlfriend beside doesn't allow him to take out the papers.. Poor thing..? Lolx..

Kk.. Gonna go out now.. Dear been buggin me already.. @_@ Adios~~!!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

And so i mentioned i wenta Bishan SWA today.. Was gettin bored and findin stuffs in the fridge behind me.. Then i noticed something despite bein there for hours..

I was like -____________________________-".. Got to know it was Mr. Moon June's idea.. Lolx~ Creative..? Funny..? What d'ya think..? Haha..

After that met up with dear for dinner @ AMK then head to Ying house.. Everytime i go her house her parents will gimme food.. >.< And even made a fruit juice.. Well, kinda.. (look below)

Orange and foamy on top.. Looks like orange juice but it's not.. Letsee.. From what i heard, it's carrot, tomato, and green apple.. (Dunno got orange not..) Haha.. Healthy..? First taste seems weird but you'll find it quite nice after drinking more.. Haha..

Will be stayin at her house tonight.. Coz lazy to go home.. Though she stays two bus stops away from me only.. Haha..

Been kinda into Spanish lately.. Haha.. Learnt a lil long time ago then gave everythin back to Spain.. Haha.. Now pickin up a lil again..

Quiero estar contigo~~ =X
Saturday, June 14, 2008

A boring yet tiring day today.. =( Haha.. Cabbed home from dear's house this mornin coz yest watched midnight then cab midnight charge very ex.. >.< Go home bom.. Down.. Sleep.. Haha.. Then afternoon head to Bugis.. @_@ And as usual did the stuffs there.. Lala.. Evenin at first gonna go out with dear and fwens end up no.. =( Haish.. Borin.. then toopid Wei Song next mornin gonna work cannot stay up late.. T_T

Borin night.. Haha.. Chatted with a fwen regardin bgr.. I'm juz so attached to my dear dear.. =( Which is so not good~!! Ahhhh.. One thing is, he is goin NS and i'll be so not used to it and be missin him like mad~~~ Omg.. Another is, dowan be so sticky to him.. Haish haish.. Wu wu.. Hao xiang ta~~ Wahhh.. Okay.. I feel so stupid.. Damn..

Last but not least, let's pray for our dear OLD Daniel who is terribly sick.. AMEN~~~~~~~~~

Te echo de menos..
Truly, madly, deeply~
teamo~ =X
Friday, June 13, 2008

Been long since i blog ler.. Haha.. Past few days sick~~ Buuu.. Which allows me notta go SWA for work.. Haha.. But i'm now in SWA.. x.X *faints* Been long since i work and next week my primary school classes resumes.. Thursday Northview, Friday Compassvale.. Been slackin, enjoying life, etc alot and dun really feel like workin.. Haha.. As i mentioned, admin ain't my kind of job so i'll get FnB job when i settle my school stuffs..

Oh no i havem't quit Go yet.. Juz that bit.. Erm.. Lazy.. =X But i'm startin to train ler.. Abit.. Haha..

Ahhh... Bored~ Happy Friday the Thirteenth~!! =3
Monday, June 9, 2008

Wenta Ikea with dear today to look for stuffs for my room.. Hmm.. Nothin much that's nice.. Actually, i forgot what i wanted to buy.. Haha.. Wanna change my room a lil.. X) I'm thinkin of whether to get thoe swing chairs that i can hang in my room.. Haha.. Seems fun.. The other time i wenta Nebo and sat those chairs, i kept swingin and swingin.. @_@ Lolx~ Lalala~

Still sick.. =( Buu.. Hope i get well soon.. Haha... Dun like to be sick.. >.< NYP peeps~ Lina wanna go find ghosts.. Yes, i mean ghost.. Those floating floating like casper and friends..? Haha.. Dunno what SPI thingy.. What's that anyway..? Anyway, i'm helpin here to gather ppl.. So.. Anyone..? Lolx~~
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Reached NYP @ 10am today.. No late.. XP Me and the NYP gang played somethin today.. Haha..That is, ZhiXiong took train from Boon Lay, and Cheris and Daniel from Bukit Batok hop in,then Yong Sheng from Yew Tee, Wei Sheng and Jeremy from Marsiling, Peng Hongfrom Yishun, Me frrom Sembawang (coz wenta Apple jiejie house).. End up Cheris, Wei Sheng and JEremy didn't join us.. >.< But later on due to i'm late, We got on the same later train as Wei Sheng and Jeremy.. Haha..

At this point, if you're thinkin i'm always late,this time, with a reason~!! I kinda got lost when i left Apple's house coz it's my first timegoin her house and ppl keep givin me diff directions.. T_T Sob sobx..

Round 7 to 8 more hours to go~~ x.X Lalala~~ Miss dear dear~~>.<>//<
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sick.. Flu or whatever it is called.. Damn terrible.. T_T Even got fever yest night but now okie ler i guess.. Phew.. Am now in NYP helpin out with the Lanke Cup and Qiu Ping Cup competition.. Been here since 10am and slacking~~T_T Ahh.. My sleep.. Well, not that i really slept yest.. Practically didn't sleep last night.. =( Sob sobx.. And a long full day fer mwe today.. x.X *faints*

Happy birthday to Mr. Kok Mun Jun and NP's Wenbin today~~ Tomorrow ish Ben Jie Jie de bday.. Lolx~~ Tomorrow ish mwe and dear dear de 3 months ler~!! Haha.. But havta help out at the competition.. =( Ahhhhh......
Friday, June 6, 2008

Wenta watch Kung Fu Panda with dear and our two younger bros.. Heexx.. Quite a funny show.. Haha.. Was freezing in the cinema coz i lent my jacket to my bro.. Brrr.. After that send Phillip (my bro) home then head back to Bishan.. @_@ Wasn't intending to go Bishan but then Danny keep callin me and ask things.. Haha.. And when i reached here, no customer ler.. T_T

We muz thank Siong Hwai the Hwa Chong Panda today coz he helped JC to buy 1.5L of Crysanthemum White Tea, Medium MOS Ice Milk Tea for me, Coffee Shop Milk Tea for me, and not to mention Daniel's plain water from Food Junction.. But actualy he got from Subway and drank up the water so left only the empty plastic cup.. Haha~
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Last time i had another blog, which not many ppl knows.. And that kinda blog, i only went there when i was emo.. In the past.. Haha.. Went in juz now to view it.. Hm.. I'm quite an emo girl girl last time, eh..? Haha.. Esp on rs coz my prev ex is bit problematic on rs stuffs.. But oh well.. Emo Kay Kay no more~~ I've deleted all the past posts inside already.. Haha..

I dun wanna be so emo like in the past ler.. Lala~ Keep smilin and smilin.. =) Heheex~~ I'll be starting school in August~~!! Woots~~ Now is juz wait for end of June pay school fees only.. Heex.. IT~~ Wonder how much i can learn there.. @_@
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Been long since i touched my blog.. Haha.. But then again, been loooonger since Danny touched his, right..? Haha.. With those spidey webs growin here and there~~ =p

Received this sms today:

第一句: 没有一百分的另一半,只有五十分的两个人;
第二句:付出真心才会得到真心,却也能伤得彻底, 保持距离就能保护自己,却也注定永远寂寞;
第五句:冷漠, 有时侯并不是无情, 只是一种避免伤害的工具;
第六句:如果我们之前有碍1000步的距离你,只要跨出第一步, 我就会朝你的方向走其余的999步;
第七句:为你的难过而快乐的人是敌人, 为你的快了而快了的人是朋友, 为你的难过而难过的人就是那些该放进心里的人;
第九句:真正的朋友并不时在一起就有聊不完的话题, 而是在一起就算不说话也不会感到尴尬;
第十句: 朋友就是被你看透了还能喜欢你的人.

Sweet.. =)

Oh yar.. For those who haven't, go here for your IQ test~~!! XD